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Photo Splash FX - editor with multiple color stroke to splash, colorize, recolor and share on instagram, Facebook & dropbox screenshot 1
Photo Splash FX - editor with multiple color stroke to splash, colorize, recolor and share on instagram, Facebook & dropbox screenshot 2
Photo Splash FX - editor with multiple color stroke to splash, colorize, recolor and share on instagram, Facebook & dropbox screenshot 3
Photo Splash FX - editor with multiple color stroke to splash, colorize, recolor and share on instagram, Facebook & dropbox screenshot 4
Photo Splash FX - editor with multiple color stroke to splash, colorize, recolor and share on instagram, Facebook & dropbox screenshot 5
Featured on AppGratis, AppsGoneFree, QAppReview (8.5), TheAppWhisperer, TopAppsToday, AppsMeNow, iOSnoops, FreeAppReport, udm4 and many App Stores; with endless possibilities of wonderful effects using your artistic finger!

** 3.5 million downloads (and counting), A BIG THANKS for all of your support! **

Photo Splash FX is a photo and image editing app designed for smart-phones and tablets that allows users to edit, apply filters to, and retouch their images and camera snaps, and then easily share their creations on a variety of different services – all from within the app itself.

Photo Splash FX lets you unleash your creative potential – using just a few strokes of your finger!

Photo Splash...