Ubiqua Instant Response S.L. Published Applications :

Nos gusta la comunicación, la innovación, las tendencias, las estrategias de las marcas, las aventuras de los emprendedores… Y, en definitiva, la creatividad y todo lo que nos haga aprender y...
Alcorta was removed
TheSharingCode App is FREE NOW

TheSharingCode App allows you to create a mobile landing page with a customized short url and it's QR pointing to it: Get all your social links together in a...
Virtual Sommelier was removed
◆◆◆◆ TV en Directo y Fútbol en Directo en tu móvil ◆◆◆◆

Zapp TV te lleva la informacion más completa de la programación de televisión en España:

◆ Accede directamente a lo que se...
Barcelona Breast Meeting 5th-7th March 2014 - REDEFINING BREAST SURGERY: Sharing experience and building knowledge.

Get all the information of the BBM 2014 meeting:

Pol's Chess Clock has been designed for all ages who plays chess tournaments with time control (and other board games with time control as Scrabble-like games or Go).

In settings you can...