Parsprototo Published Applications :

예술교양지 IMR was removed
Experience the up-to-date culture, arts and travel of Korea!
CulTOUR of KOREA First Issue!
CulTOUR of KOREA is the magazine specializing in Korean culture and travel.
This diverse...
An English children’s book for Hands-on experience – Series 1
-Learning the tale of Shim Chung in English by watching, touching and listening.

★ Diverse...
An English children’s book for Hands-on experience – Series 2
-The story of Coco’s adventures with goblins

★ Diverse interactions – 8 screens and 4 games
작곡가 이도훈이 유럽에서 음악을 담은 편지를 보내왔습니다.
이 앱북에는 베토벤, 리스트, 리하르트 슈트라우스, 브람스, 멘델스존, 슈만의 이야기가 담겨 있습니다.

작곡가 이도훈은 고전, 낭만시대 유명 작곡가의 생가를 탐방하며 작곡가들의 음악과 생애를 생생하게 풀어냈습니다. 매 에피소드마다 해당 작곡가의 음악을 들려드리기...
An English children’s book for Hands-on experience – Series 3
A love story of the woodcutter and the heavenly maiden bridged by the deer in return for the woodcutter’s...
An English children’s book for Hands-on experience – Series 1
-Learning the tale of Shim Chung in English by watching, touching and listening.

★ Diverse...
Experience the up-to-date culture and arts of Korea! K-Culture First Issue!
K-Culture is the magazine specializing in Korean culture and arts.
This diverse magazine includes K-Pop, Korean...
An English children’s book for Hands-on experience – Series 2
-The story of Coco’s adventures with goblins

★ Diverse interactions – 8 screens and 4 games
★ Running...
A Music Letter from Europe

Composer Dohun Lee has sent a letter with music from Europe.
This App book contains stories of the great composers-Beethoven, Listz, Richard Strauss,...
‘배려와 나눔을 실천하고 꿈을 찾기 위한 교육’을 목표로
일반학생, 장애학생, 다문화 학생 등 모두가 함께 하는
신나고 재미있는 체험학습 프로그램을 운영합니다.
학교교육의 정상화와 일반학생, 장애학생, 다문화학생 등
모두가 함께하는 교육을 실시함으로써