Megalusion Published Applications :

Find your contacts photo from Facebook!

You can sync your contacts with Facebook Friends.

Birthday, Profile Picture, Company, Job Title will be synced.
If you have a trouble when you trying to save to camera roll,
turn on privacy setting in Settings > Privacy > Settings > SecureCamera.

It's a fantastic Camera Application

It's Copy & Paste Manager.

Save text, and Touch it.
Save image, and Touch it.

And Paste or Share to other apps.
See Who's Top in App Store.

- 123 Countries and Regions. and Languages also.
- App's Detail Page (Title, Price, Artist,
- Share the Result (Facebook, Twitter,...
Now, you can easily send group message.

This app use you default iPhone group, so you have to have iPhone group in you iPhone.

There are so many app to make a group, so we...
Type Special Character Pro was removed
Solar, Lunar Calendar Converter was removed
First, save recipients and message.

Second, touch and send it
If you have a trouble when you trying to save to camera roll,
turn on privacy setting in Settings > Privacy > Settings > SecureCamera.

It's a fantastic Camera Application

D-Day Calculator

Save you D-Day in Folder

Calculate Date (After ? days, Before ? days)

Calendar View Available

Counting From Zero
Type Special Character was removed
- Speed Chosung Change

아이폰에서 초성 검색을 사용하기 위해, 초성 인덱스를 만들어 주는 앱 입니다.

사용자의 이름, 성, 전화번호 뒷자리를 이용해 닉네임 필드에 초성 인덱스를 만들어 저장합니다.
First, save recipients and message.

Second, touch and send it
Send Group E-Mail was removed
아이폰에서 한자를 입력할 수 있습니다.

컴퓨터에서 한자를 입력하던 것 처럼, 한글을 입력하고 한자키를 누르면 됩니다.

한자 뿐만 아니라, 특수문자도 입력할 수 있습니다.

이 역시도 자음을 누르고 한자 버튼을 누르면 됩니다.

간단하지만, 음으로 한자를 검색할 수 있는 사전 기능도...
한자 입력기 Pro was removed
Search a song in Korean karaoke (Noraebang) on your iPhone and iPod touch!

This application helps you not just browse the entire song list of
karaoke, but also let you manage your own...
It's Copy & Paste Manager.

Save text, and Touch it.
Save image, and Touch it.

And Paste or Share to other apps.
Tapping Browser Lite was removed
Lite Version Limit: 5 folders, 5 favorites each folder

Search a song in Korean karaoke (Noraebang) on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad!

This application helps you not just browse...
Tapping Browser was removed
8 Puzzle Solver was removed
D-Day Calculator

Save you D-Day in Folder

Calculate Date (After ? days, Before ? days)

Calendar View Available

Counting From Zero
국회 회의록을 볼 수 있는 앱입니다.

1대 국회부터 19대 국회까지 국회에서 공개한 모든 회의록과 국정감사 정보를 열람할 수 있습니다.
Search a song in Korean karaoke (Noraebang) on your iPad!

This application helps you not just browse the entire song list of
karaoke, but also let you manage your own Favorites....