Little Makuzu VOF Published Applications :

***** Gekozen tot Leukste peuterapp! door iPhone Magazine nr. 5 *****

Een dierentuin in je broekzak:
KoeDoetBoe in een interactief kinderboek voor iPhone en iPod Touch, dat je altijd...
CarPuzzle contains a selection of twenty different vehicles, ranging from a fire truck to a bulldozer. Fit the vehicles back together again and discover what they are used for! The app will teach...
***** Voted most fun children's app by iPhone Magazine nr. 5 *****

CowGoesMoo is a zoo in your pocket for iPhone and iPad.

CowGoesMoo opens up a world of entertainment for young...
***** Zur lustigsten Kinder-App gekürt! Vom iPhone Magazine Nr. 5 *****

KuhMachtMuh ist ein Zoo in Taschenformat für iPhone und iPad.

KuhMachtMuh eröffnet kleinen Kindern und...
Test your memory! Open the garage doors to find the two matching cars. Where are they?
CarMatch is suitable for all ages, and supports up to four participants in multiplayer, so you can play...