FBM Published Applications :

Compress video to save disk space for your devices!

- Compress video recorded by Camera App.
- Reduce over 70% of file size when compressing video from Full HD to 720p...
簡便中文繁簡轉換器, 介面清晰易用, 功能包括:
- 繁轉簡及簡轉繁
- 自動複製譯文至剪貼簿
- 能以訊息 或 Email 發送譯文
- 支援離線使用

Handy traditional to simplified Chinese converter.
- Simplified and Traditional...
本程式以国语及粤语收录多部佛学有声书, 均由当代大德开示, 由浅入深, 适合各界人士收听。

用户可下载离线收听, 所有离线档案皆可由 iTunes 下载至电脑中, 以便在其他媒体装置播放, 利生流通。
認識佛教(粵語有聲書) was removed
Easy Dictionary is a simple and handy English-Chinese, Chinese-English dictionary. Features included:
- Over 170,000 entries
- Offline usage
- Bookmarks and search histories

- 中英對照
- 支援繁、簡體中文
- 華語、英語、粵語朗讀