Eric Lu Published Applications :

Want to see the latest earthquakes?
Download this app to visualize and get notified of earthquakes.
Browse the seismograph chart, map, or list to see when and where earthquakes have...
This application assists in the determination of the percentage of battery remaining on your device.
View the source code of a webpage.
Dynamically search the source code.
Copy and paste source code.
Edit the source code with a bar for common keys for the type of file you're in. For...
Summing the masses of the elements into a compound doesn't need to take so long!
Have this app save and output the molar mass of unordered formulas you enter. Merp can quickly email or copy...
Introducing: a new way to countdown until and step from an event, whether in seconds or as a description (seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc...)

Each event can have an associated image...
Based on various factors recorded by your device and a set of heuristics, this application analyzes kisses made on the screen.

Kisses are analyzed and the data can be shared by a URL or...