Aggressive Development AB Published Applications :

Buy and read magazines on the iPad and iPhone. Mostly Swedish magazines so far.

Do you want to publish your magazine in Qiozk? Please contact us at

Posta let's you find the closest post box in Sweden. Just start Posta and it will display the closest post boxes sorted in a list. Click on a post box to display it on a map.
Find the closest pharmacy in Sweden.
Fake Tagz was removed
Brain Slain was removed
Tagut - ATMs in Sweden was removed
RT90-WGS84 was removed
TravelDrivel was removed
Kalah in Africa was removed
Sjunga är appen för dig som inte vill missa en enda stavelse under midsommarfirandets körsång. Med över 160 sommarvisor kan du känna dig lugn och trygg att alltid ta ton.
