Vito Bellini Published Applications :

iFood Lite: Now you have no more excuses!

With its rich database containing approximately 3500 foods and 500 sports, it’s going to be very simple to know your caloric intake and how many...
iFood Pro: Your diet... on your iPhone!

iFood Pro is the easiest App to use for the iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad, than has ever been made to make you stay in shape by eating...
Gestures, attitudes and facial expressions say a lot about us. The body language says what words do not say (or don't want to say).

Why should I learn body language? What the benefits?...
Prezzo scontato per un periodo di tempo limitato!
Terminata la promozione il costo tornerà ad essere di 3,59€

Un'alimentazione bilanciata e controllata non è...
How many times have your periods arrived unexpectedly? How many times have you forgotten the dates of your last cycle? How many times have you wanted to know in advance so you can plan a holiday or...
Quit Smoking Manager is the best application for smokers, especially for those who want to quit smoking!

Quit Smoking Manager with an easy user interface, allows you to use from the...
Defend the kingdom from impostors! They can't be allowed to steal your gold! Place defensive towers that hurt, slow down and destroy enemies that arrive in their droves. Position your defensives...
Facepartout: Start using your face as your password.

With this innovative, one-of-a-kind app, you'll never have to remember a pesky password again! Facepartout lets you access your...
Check your heart rate at any time of the day, without having to carry around all that cumbersome equipment!

Through complex algorithms, this app will turn your smartphone into a heart rate...
La Dieta mediterranea rappresenta un patrimonio storico e culturale di grande rilievo e si propone come simbolo di una cucina la cui semplicità, fantasia e sapori sono apprezzati in tutto il mondo....