Trippus Event Solutions AB Published Applications :

Trippus Scan Tool for iPhone / iPad can be used for entry check to courses, events and other events that are administered in Trippus.

Quickly and easily using the built-in...
Trippus Participant makes it possible to exchange electronic business cards.

In this app you can do the following:
- Scan nametag / badge
- See contact details
- Save contacts
Trippus Exhibitor app for iPhone / iPad can be used to scan and record the visitors in a stand, the exhibitors surface area or the like. Scanning is made easy with the built-in camera and the...
Med Artexis Nordics Scantool kan du som mässutställare samla information om besökarna genom att scanna deras namnbrickor.
Du slipper fråga efter visitkort och får enkelt tillgång till...
Bruk OMG Lead Receiver App på konferansen/messen
Appen OMG Lead Receiver er den mest effektive måten å samle kontakopplysningene på de som besøker din stand, og kan brukes av alle...