Mokadev Published Applications :

Hello! My name is Moka. I am a cuddly toy and I love telling stories.
You can read my stories alone, or with your parents or with your grandpa and your grandma.

I love to write...
Celine is taking the train: her parents have to be away for a few weeks, and they thought it would be a good idea for Celine to visit her uncle Patrick.
But there are witches...
Our King is very kind, but his daughter, Princess Lily, has been kidnapped.
The King who has kidnapped her is very cruel.
He lives in a castle on the other side of the...
Bonjour ! Je m’appelle Moka. Je suis un doudou, et j’aime beaucoup raconter des histoires.
Tu peux lire mes histoires tout seul, ou avec tes parents, ou avec ton Papi et ta Mamie....
There is a ghost in the castle, and he keeps stealing chocolates from the Christmas tree! Join Katia as she gets to the bottom of this chocolatey mystery.

► ABOUT...
Привет-привет! Это я,Мока,помнишь меня? Я говорящая,и я очень люблю рассказывать истории.

Я очень люблю писать истории на простом языке,понятном для всех. Также я наполняю их рисунками! Я...
Hello! My name is Moka. I am a cuddly toy and I love telling stories.
You can read my stories alone, or with your parents or with your grandpa and your grandma.

I love to write...
Hallo! Ich bin’s,Moka! Ich bin ein Teddybär und erzähle gerne Geschichten.
Du kannst meine Geschichten selbst oder zusammen mit deinen Eltern,dem Großvater und der Großmutter lesen....
¡Hola Hola,Soy yo,Moka! Soy un juguete parlanchín y me gusta mucho contar historias.
Ustedes mismos pueden leer mis historias con sus padres o con su abuelo o abuela.

Me gusta mucho...