LT Box Co., Ltd. Published Applications :

● 1800以上のフレーズ + 毎日新しい1フレーズを更新
● 全フレーズに例文、コメント、音声付き
● 自動再生、Siriで発音チェック、4種類のクイズ
Unagi! is about two things:

1. How well do you know your friends?
2. How well do your friends know you?

Unagi! will tell you just how intimate you are...
Wages is an application that focuses on doing one thing and doing it well: Calculating your net income from hourly wages.

If you get hourly wages from part-time jobs and find it a hassle...
★ 298句日常生活會話
★ 三種測驗模式,利用Siri發音測驗
★ 完全 iPhone 5 / iPad...