Benedikt Terhechte Published Applications :

A quick drink, a cinema ticket, or a menu in a restaurant.
Do you happen to quickly forget about things you owe or things you lend someone?

OweMe, the Money Lending Manager, helps...
WortSalat ist ein spannendes, neues Spiel in dem es darum geht, aus einer gegebenen Anzahl von Buchstaben möglichst viele deutsche Wörter zu bilden. Der ideale Zeitvertreib für unterwegs. In jeder...
Need a mood change? Are you in a sad or bad mood and need an uplift? Something happy, comforting, delightful? This is where Happiness comes in. This app will change your mood within a few seconds....
PhotoDesk - for Instagram was removed
Fart to rescue the universe - the mission of a lactose intolerant alien

Lex was always ridiculed by his folks because he was lactose intolerant: Whenever he drank milk, he had to fart. a...
OceanBar was removed