Angelo Capone Published Applications :

Figure Memories is a memory game.
The aim is to find the right pairs of figures.

Optimized for the retina display

Universal Application

Two levels of difficulty...
The Hangman Free is a version of the classic "Hangman" word game, where you guess the 4 words, extracted from randomly selected dictionary.

MORE THAN 260,000...
Free Anagram is the classic word game,

Find many words as possible, so climbing the rankings of Online Game Center!
La FORTUNA: AVATARS ! è un gioco di parole, indovina la frase nascosta attraverso le lettere che la compongono!
la FORTUNA può anche essere giocata ONLINE in Multiplayer!

Scegli fra 4...
The DIFFERENCES includes two games , FindArt and FindItalian
This app is optimized for iPhone 5
Spot the differences and choose both Monuments Italian and Paintings!

New FULL SCREEN Level ( Iphone che per iPad ) ! Infinite Schemes!

FindWords (Word Search) is a simple word game, a scheme of letters where the aim is to find all words listed, taken...
Fill with words the INFINITE schemes!

Your goal is place in the scheme to the right place, the words listed.

Choose English or Italian Dictionary.

Universal App, Game...
AbcWord is a series of 3 games that involve words and letters, with the possibility of changing the internal dictionary at any time
(ENGLISH and ITALIAN Dictionary, tap the flag to chance)...
FindFigures is a game of words and figures
the aim is to find the name of the pictures shown,
inside a scheme of letters.
You can choose to find the names in Italian or in...
Il Mercante in Fiera è un antico gioco di carte veneziano. Lo scopo del gioco è quello di restare, alla fine, con in mano delle carte uguali a quelle associate ai premi più...
Cerca di indovinare le cose attraverso gli indizi e toccale velocemente !
Più cose indovinerai e più punti avrai per poter scalare la classifica del Game Center!

Tap quickly all pairs.

The faster you reach for the couples, the more points you earn, otherwise you'll lose points if you spend too many seconds and the icons will be mixed with...
Tocca il punto preciso delle Città sulla cartina dell'Italia ! Pensi di essere ferrato in Geografia? Conosci l'ubicazione delle Città o dei Monumenti italiani? Mettiti alla prova con...
The goal is simply to find the differences between the photos of Italian monuments.
3 HINTS to help and 5 differences to find.
Game Center Score Online.
More than 70 monuments,...
The goal is simply to find the differences between the Art Paintings.
3 HINTS to help and 3 differences to find.
Game Center Score Online.

Optimized for Retina...
* Added QUIZ INVENTIONS & DISCOVERIES, ranking with GameCenter!

Timelines inventions and discoveries is a time line, with a simple and intuitive interface, which displays more than 400...
Free Anagram is the classic word game,

Find many words as possible, so climbing the rankings of Online Game Center!
The Hangman Free HD is a iPad version of the classic "Hangman" word game, where you guess the 4 words, extracted from randomly selected dictionary.

Art Memories is a memory game.
The aim is to find the right pairs of famous paintings.

Optimized for the retina display

Universal Application

Two levels of...
Italian Cards is a memory game.
The aim is to find the right pairs of Italian monuments.


Universal Application (For iPhone and...
Find anagrams, select one of the languages ​​available through the dictionary and change the flag.
***Dipinti in alta definizione*** Sai distinguere un Monet da un Van Gogh o un Michelangelo da un Tiziano? Quanti pittori conosci? Conosci i soggetti dei dipinti famosi e sai chi sono? Misura la...
The goal is simply to find the differences between the Art Paintings.
3 HINTS to help and 5 differences to find.
Game Center Score Online.

Bosch, Botticelli, Brueghel, Canaletto,...

Can you tell a Monet from a Michelangelo or a Van Gogh from a Tiziano? How many painters do you know? Can you recognize the subjects of famous...
The goal is simply to find the differences between the photos of Italian monuments.
3 HINTS to help and 5 differences to find.
Game Center Score Online.
More than 70 monuments,...