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Convert Any Unit - Units & Currency Converter & Calculator screenshot 1
Convert Any Unit - Units & Currency Converter & Calculator screenshot 2
Convert Any Unit - Units & Currency Converter & Calculator screenshot 3
Convert Any Unit - Units & Currency Converter & Calculator screenshot 4
Convert Any Unit - Units & Currency Converter & Calculator screenshot 5
The FASTEST way possible for converting units. Just type in the unit you want to convert, without first selecting the category. As you type, a list of most likely units appear. When you see the unit you want, just tap it to select it. For most units, 1 or 2 letters is enough to find the unit you want. Save favorites and organize into folders with the icons at the bottom of the screen.

Advanced Options:

- Custom Default Amount
- Custom Units
- Show Unit Factors
- Preview Mode
- Auto-Fill 'To' Unit
- Auto Scientific E Notation Toggle

As you type, the most likely units appear. Once you have selected the From unit, the To unit is automatically restricted to the category of the From...