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aorb, Get feedback instantly screenshot 1
aorb, Get feedback instantly screenshot 2
aorb, Get feedback instantly screenshot 3
aorb, Get feedback instantly screenshot 4
aorb is a brand new way to get feedback instantly.
Ask a question with 2 pictures and receive amazingly large amount of responses answering which choice is better from everyone in just few minutes! To get feedback and to answer others' questions are both meaningful and fun!

Sorry!! Japanese version only.
This application is only for those who can understand Japanese language.

aorb is recommended to everyone who…
- wants to get feedback instantly.
- wants to get a lot of responses.
- is not satisfied the quickness and the amount of responses in SNS like Facebook, twitter and LINE.
- wants to save time.
- wonders which clothes to put on for a date.
- wants to show your vaunted...