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AirMovie - Enjoy the videos in your PC anytime, anywhere with NO ENCODING!! screenshot 1
AirMovie - Enjoy the videos in your PC anytime, anywhere with NO ENCODING!! screenshot 2
AirMovie - Enjoy the videos in your PC anytime, anywhere with NO ENCODING!! screenshot 3
AirMovie - Enjoy the videos in your PC anytime, anywhere with NO ENCODING!! screenshot 4
**** BIG EVENT: New Version Launching Event (iPAD supporting) - SALES with FREE !! in temporary ****

People who want to watch videos without encoding and copying files!
People who want to watch videos anywhere, anytime, regardless of places!
People who want to watch videos, but does not have video files!
People who want to share their own videos!
AirMovie is a video streaming application for these people.

AirMovie is a video streaming application to play videos without encoding and copying files.
With AirMovie, you can enjoy video files on your PC over 3G / Wifi network anywhere, anytime.

** Use Tip
- When you want to watch videos in a cafe!
- When you ride in a bus for a...